I found out that a 9 year old girl had to take care of her little family because her mom is really sick and can't really afford getting into the hospital.. The situation is very critical.. She fainted the other day and her husband went to the hospital with her.. but they sent her home again because they didn't have enough money.. they also said she will die if she doesn't get a surgery....
It's hard to just close your eyes and ignore those people who really are in need.. When reading how much help she needed my eyes were covered in tears.. 9 years old and taking the role as a mom? she had to cook and do everything at home including taking care of a 13 months old baby girl.. cause her mom can barely move and her dad has to do everything he can to earn money for their living.. and I believe it's not gonna be enough for a heart surgery..
So I'm giving away $100 without any hesitation..
I also donated $30 to Japan.. I just can't stand watching people suffering without lending out an helping hand.. My heart is suffering with those people.. I know It won't make much of a difference.. But if everybody is thinking like that then it really won't make a difference.. People are risking their life out there.. Working and knowing in their minds that they might die or not have a normal life after they accomplished their work at the nuclear plant, if they even can accomplish it.. The radiation in reactor 2 has already increased to 10 millions times higher than normal.. There are still children who are waiting anxiously for their parents to come back.. Parents that most likely already past away during the disaster..
If everybody took their time to send just $1 each, it would help a lot instead of put "like" on Facebook for every "pray for Japan" page.. that makes no sense.. Why I decided to not give my $100 to Japan is because they got a lot of help from other people already.. What we are forgetting is that there also are millions of other suffering out there.. but they are either invisible or forgotten.. I wish I could help all of them.. But it's not easy for one person.. I am not a Miss World or Miss Universe who wants to create world peace and stuff.. It's never gonna happen..
Human beings are too greedy and you can't raise everybody to become "angels".. it's already in our nature.. We are fighting to survive.. Even if there is peace and everybody got the same amount of stuff.. There will always be greedy people who wants more and take the lead... The weaker will give up while the stronger sees their chances.. and so the war begins...
But I know I can make a difference in some peoples life.. Everybody deserves a chance to live their life to the fullest... I know the world is unfair... Life is not easy for everybody.. My last name is not Hilton so things won't get served on a silver plate for me.. But I'm not giving up for that.. I wish I had more to give.. But I have my own stuff to prioritize first.. Maybe I am a little greedy after all.. But I'm giving away the amount I can give away right now.. it's better than nothing...
bra skrivet där, och fin inställning med pengarna du vann. jag har också skänkt pengar till japan och ser ingen mening med att "gilla" grupperna på fb. bara nonsense ju...
ReplyDeletesvar: aw, tack! du är ju den godhjärtade av oss som är så pass generös som skänker så mycket till ett bra ändamål. du vet i alla fall vart pengarna går, jag vet inte vem/ vilka jag hjälper bara att det går till japan och dem drabbade. skänkte lika mycket när det var tsunami för några år sedan, tror på karma :)
ReplyDeletesvar: du har så rätt så! det kvittar egentligen hur mycket man bidrar med, det är tanken som räknas i sådana här situationer... det handlar ju om gåvor :)
ReplyDeleteThat's an awesome thing you did, and here I am thinking you're some air-headed pretty little princess girl. I guess you've proved me wrong. I'm sure that Vietnamese family will appreciate your donation.
ReplyDeleteAnd no, it doesn't make you greedy if you have to take care of yourself first. It's only greedy if you're in a situation where you want more excess. Besides, you have to be able to take care of yourself first before you can take care of anyone else.
I love that you did this. We need more young people to be proactive like this and take notice of the things going on in the WORLD. As the person before me stated "you have to be able to take of yourself first" other wise you wont be able to help others.
ReplyDeleteThanks for being aware.
du är så full av skit