Just random thoughts I've been having for a very long time..
Human beings are getting smarter every day... we think that we get smarter as the years passes by.. But have you ever thought of that we might have been more intelligent once before? and something happened to the earth and vanished the human kind? maybe the earth recreated itself and we started over as cave people who had no clue of anything?
To me it's a great possibility that the human kind has once been super intelligent.. Think of how we created the pyramids.. Huge and enormous stone blocks stacked on top of each other to build a pyramid so precisely and perfect WITHOUT today's technology.. how is it even physically possible? The same goes for the great wall of China..
I believe that the Egyptians might have possessed a technology that has been lost through the ages.. Even if they were able to stack those stone block on top of each other.. how did they cut through the stone?
2012 is coming.. I don't think that it's the Domesday.. But I believe that one day we won't exist no more.. and our technology and intelligence will be lost and buried.. and maybe a new generation will be created.. I wish that those people never encounter the evilness..
I fully agree with you! I hope everythings fine with u over there! Miss u!