Friday, March 12, 2010

Laying on my bed... alone.. My sis and her boyfriend just went to Wal Mart to buy some groceries.. I guess I have to start getting used to this.. being alone.. Cause my sis gonna move in with her boyfriend after summer.. of c she's taking her dogs with her.. I don't know how to handle the loneliness.. it's gonna be so quiet every day.. Living in a house.. ALONE.. Waking up.. ALONE.. eating ALONE.. what a lonely life... I fear that day.. cause everybody knows I'm afraid of the dark.. I can't handle a house myself...


  1. I wish i could come and live with you for a time, being there when you needed someone. We wouldn't need to cook alone, because we would be too lazy and eat outside...

    Jag vill verkligen komma och hälsar på dig gumman.. Och jag hoppas jag kan göra det någon gång i framtiden.

    Ta hand om dig! :D

  2. hihi kom o halsa pa nan gang =)du e alltid valkommen.
