Can't an ordinary girl go and fill her gas without being stopped by some scary guys? I hate hate hate that.. Yesterday after work I realized I needed to get some gas.. So I just drove somewhere nearby.. Unfortunately I chose the wrong gas-station.. It was a dark gloomy ghetto place.. how would I know.. -.- As soon as I stepped out of the car people where shouting at me.. drunk people walking around with bottles of beer... heck I was terrified.. so I locked the car for mom and Lily, quickly ran into the store to pay..
The guys at the counter looked scary too.. In my mind I was "oh no.. would they really help me if something's gonna happen?" they said that the pump I chose didn't work.. I told them ok I'm gonna change.. but hell no.. I walked quickly to my car, locked all the doors and drove away fast... damn what a ghetto place... I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled out a gun and start to shoot..
I drove to another gas-station which seemed much better.. there was a girl at the counter.. and the people at that gas-station didn't holla at me which made me feel safer.. I can tell you.. yesterday I wasn't dressed up or pretty at all.. I just recovered from being sick, pale as a ghost and no make-up.. So wth is wrong with people..
hahaha! mi, från att jag tyckte synd om dig när jag började läsa men när jag kom till: "and the people at that gas-station didn't holla at me...", började jag skratta. kan inte tänka mig att du säger sånt. hoppas känslan du hade har gått över ^^