I wanted to write something.. but my mind went blank so I ended up just staring at the laptop-screen..
well.. I have nothing much to write about.. just that I've been really busy at work.. But I'm happy.. My customers are really the best.. They are willing to wait for a really long time just to have me doing their nails.. I'm getting famous (I wish) hehe j/k..
But really, I'm getting all big-headed right now.. Lately there have been many requests from customers.. making me feel loved "wink wink". Like this girl was asking for me, but they said I was gonna be busy for a very long time.. the girl said, it's ok, I can wait cause I love how Mimi is doing my nails, she's doing my nails perfectly...
I'm very surprised myself how much I've improved.. Even though it's a lot of work and I get really tired.. it's thanks to my customers who are keeping me going on.. I've always been insecure about myself, insecure about how good I actually am.. cause I lack of confidence.. (feels really weird writing that I'm good) But thanks to my customers who are telling me how awsome I am everyday, I've managed to build up my self-esteem..
I'm only 19, and I've gone this far with life.. I wonder when I'm 25.. damn.. with all the experiences I get.. I must be really great.. Cause you learn new things everyday..
Ok. enough being big-headed now..

This picture was from my younger sister Lily.. She usually made me stuff.. miss her =(
This Valentine gonna suck.. Do I have to belong the category I-hate-valentine-cause-I-don't-have-a-date?