Monday, May 31, 2010
Prince of Persia
I actually liked the movie.. it was worth to see the best part is I didn't fall asleep.. I always have a tendency to fall asleep when watching a movie.. lol
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Looking through my pictures gives a little pain in my heart.. Not because it's bad memories.. but because they are to good to be true.. it makes me think: What a beautiful world we're living in..
When I finally find a little time between my busy schedule I isolate myself from the world and start to live in my own universe..
I wish I could take some days from my past and replace it with tomorrow.. But it doesn't work that way.. so I keep telling myself.. I can't change the good past.. But I can make my future better.. - Everyday is a chance to start over..
"The nights I don't dream about you, are the nights I stay up thinking of you.."
Thursday, May 27, 2010
A good day

At first we went to Barnes&Noble to find all the vets and grooming places for dogs around Winston Salem.. We found 15 places..

Monday, May 24, 2010
Last night I had a fight with mr.greenishfly.. it was huge.. normally if it's not in my room I would have left it alone.. I tried to chase it out but it just kept flying around round round my fan lamp.. So I took a broom and smashed it.. of course it didn't die.. But it couldn't fly no more... somehow I picked it up with the broom and threw it down into the toilet seat... then flush flush...
I've been flushing down 2 living creatures in one week.. amazing..
Friday, May 21, 2010
You make me lose control
This is my way to control my anger.. I'm trying to not get stuck to minor problems that can be considered irritating..
As a result.. I've changed a lot from back then.. I had such a childish behaviour..When I view myself from back then, I have to say.. I was such a psycho..
Obviously I've been gaining a lot of experiences in my life.. I see other people's mistakes.. and I admit my own mistakes.. that's why I now can see stuff in a different perspective which is preventing me from exploding.. I feel so much more mature lol...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Smile for a brighter life
Just wished that I had my sis's natural smile..

It's Wednesday already.. me and my sis day off..
The day started with a phone call.. One of our worker called in sick.. Me and my sis were about to go to work but then my uncle called and said he had people who could replace our co-worker..
Been doing a lot of shopping for the shop.. the van was so heavy that me and my sis could barely push it.. When I say heavy.. it was so heavy that when I pushed it, it didn't move lol..
Going to the movies in an hour =D gonna watch Death at the funeral
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
There were NO leftovers on the plates.. we could as well lick their plates lol.. Even the plain sallad they served us in the beginning tasted delicious..
Seriously Mizu is my favorite restaurant from now on.
Lace pumps
Monday, May 17, 2010
Long and slow day

Tonight me and my sis decided to go to the gym.. just hope that our customer's won't come in late today.. We usually come home at 10.00 pm even though we close at 9.00 pm.. When it's past 10.00 pm me and my sis get tired... I hope we get out of here at 9.00 pm tonight..
Your happiness is my happiness


I can hear the sound of the pouring rain outside... The sound of it is like a beautiful symphony to my ears.. I feel so calm, yet lonely..
Sunday, May 16, 2010
We've all heard the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover!" Unfortunately, we do, it's not nice but we do it anyways. The most common reason we tend to judge a person right away by their appearance are for security reasons.
Its just natural, automatically we look at people and if they appear well dressed, smiley and attractive we have a great first impression of them as this is the type of person we want to be around. However if someone looks dirty, grumpy and badly dressed we will automatically avoid this type of person. Sad but true.
Flushed away..
U can never imagine what I got in sight.. I saw a freaking hair-raising rat swimming in the toilet seat.. SHIT! wtf should I do?
My sis didn't feel good and was sleeping.. it was 3.10 am.. I wanted to scream.. but I didn't.. But I neither wanted to go through this by myself so I had to call my sister who was sleeping so good in bed..
Me: Haaaaaavy.. help help... it's a rat swimming in the toilet seat.. oh my God it's creepy! What should I do?
My sis was like: wtf.. gross.. is it big? close the toilet seat and flush it..
Me: ?!???!?!?!
I didn't want to go near the rat so I took a long-ass stick and closed the toilet lid with it.. then quickly flushed..
I hate killing living creatures.. I think they deserve to live.. usually I chase them out of the house, but this time I had no choice.. I think Rats can handle water.. I just hope it didn't suffocate in the water.. or else it wasn't his lucky day..
I am still freaking terrified by the incident..
Saturday, May 15, 2010

A year ago at this time I should be hanging out with my friends..
My memories are really captivating me.. I would do anything to re-live my past.. It was so peaceful.. I felt so care-free and happy.
"God creates simple life for us; we are the ones who make it complicated."
Thursday, May 13, 2010
My passion

I have to say I am not the prettiest girl, neither the hottest and my self-esteem is not very high.. But with the life experience I've had, I've gotten more confident with the years..
I'm not gonna deny this, but when I was younger I was ugly.. I was born ugly. The world is so cruel(nothing we really can change).. It's hard to grow up in an environment when the prettiest people are taking the lead.
I was this random girl who always wished to be pretty and come from a wealthy family.. Unfortunately I wasn't.. Our family was different... We worked hard, saved, saved and saved.. My mom did everything in her power to provide me and my sisters the best things we could afford for.. the rest of the money went to people who had it worse. Everybody else got new toys/stuff/label clothes every week.. But me and my sister were happy with what we got and never asked for anything more.. it was hard enough growing up as a non-swedish.
I was considering to other people very quiet, ambitious, smart, loved to play sports, super friendly and very creative.. But all I wanted to be was pretty. whenever somebody gave me a compliment I knew they were lying straight to my face..
I always looked in the mirror and tried to adjust my body parts, I wanted to replace everything on my face, my body..
Everytime I drawed a self-portait of me it always looked like somebody else.. much prettier.. A classmate said: this looks like you but in a nicer version.. I mean wth? kids are very honest sometimes..
Being a natural beauty wasn't my thing.. But I was blessed with a skill..
When I grew older I finally knew how to use my skill.. A skill so valuable... And together with the skill I created some magic..I would never want to be a model.. (not that I could become one anyways) But I found a passion for art and photography.. I love creating beautiful stuff in any kind of way.. I just love the result of the moment I've created something breathtaking.. Therefore instead of just sitting down and complain about how I looked like, I started to find my ways to gain more confidence..

In Greensboro we tried this Italian restaurant BRAVO. It was a fancy restaurant.. The food was good.. well it's because I'm not a picky person.. I think that 90% of the food I eat is good..
After the dinner we had to continue to take care of our stuff.. We also decided to shop a little.. Been working really hard so I had a lot of money to burn..
I bought these super comfy flip flops and some high heels.. Trying to look for summer shoes but haven't found anything for my taste..
When we came home I felt really ill..We planned to go to the gym.. but I didn't feel good at all so I told her I wanted to stay at home.. We took Bailey out for a walk instead..

My sis in Bravo
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Come back soon!

We were such tomboys and did all pranks we could come up with.. we never cared what other thought about us and just did what we felt like doing.. Our imaginations are WILD!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Bon appetit!
anyways. I was laying in bed until 7.30.. Got up and started to cook.. My taste buds aren't on top in the morning.. But it's delicious..
I made some Mi-style beef stew and some thai-style beef sallad(goi Thai) that we can bring to work... tired of eating noodles and fast food..
Right now drinking my coffee and stalking my friends =) haven't found the charger to the camera yet =( but thank God I have my lovely DSLR camera I got from my sister as a graduation gift ^____^
New week
Me and my sis decided to eat buffet after work yesterday.. but it was to crowded and the line seemed endless.. so we called Ren and asked if we could come and eat sushi.. I took some pics.. but the cam is dead right now. can't seem to find the charger. =(
Just got out from the shower... been at the gym after work today.. I ran 4 miles.. a little disappointed.. but it was late so we needed to go home.. Hope I get a good sleep tonight.. I've been having wild dreams that are still giving me chills..
good night.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Caramel Mocha

Coffee Prince
Found a drama to watch, Coffee Prince.. It was hilarious even though I've only watched 1 episode..
I had the weirdest dream last night.. I was dreaming about this little baby.. I was talking to his mother... after a while the baby died.. I asked who his father was.. she replied: I know it might be weird but he is his own father..
Guess if I wasn't confused lol..