Saturday, May 29, 2010

Right now I have a million thoughts in my head.. Memories are repeating over and over again..

Looking through my pictures gives a little pain in my heart.. Not because it's bad memories.. but because they are to good to be true.. it makes me think: What a beautiful world we're living in..

"Don't dwell on memories - appreciate them for what they are and for the person they've helped you become."

When I finally find a little time between my busy schedule I isolate myself from the world and start to live in my own universe..

I wish I could take some days from my past and replace it with tomorrow.. But it doesn't work that way.. so I keep telling myself.. I can't change the good past.. But I can make my future better.. - Everyday is a chance to start over..

"The nights I don't dream about you, are the nights I stay up thinking of you.."

I'm silently praying

1 comment:

  1. U past maybe visit you someday. Du kan ju hålla tummarna att jag inte kommer in på högskola till höst för då blir det usa för min del :p hahahaha
