Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Unexpected Consequenes

Have you ever wished for something really hard before? Every day the time turns 11.11, every birthday cake candle I've blown, every falling star... and every coin I've tossed in a fountain.. I've wished for the same things.. over and over again... But when my prayers been heard and my wishes do come true.. do I still want it? I am looking for the spark I once had.. The joy of being freely and the happiness shining through me.. I'm not saying I lost it.. But most of it is being forced through all the stress..

I can't keep up with my mood swings sometimes.. One day I am happy.. the other day I break down into tears... For the past week I've been breaking down at least 3 times.. I'm trying my hardest to make things right.. But Idk what to do sometimes.. I feel so stressed out.. 

Thanks for all the wonderful friends I have.. I can never thank you guys enough.... I'm so sorry sometimes for not having time for you guys.. But you all mean a lot to me and I will make it up to all of u whenever the time is right♥

1 comment:

  1. :( mi! i hope you feel better. but it is normal. we all feel that from time to time. sometime you just wanna break down and cry for no reason. sometime life seems to be so good, and other time i just wish things were easier. but stay strong fisse, things happen for a reason and at the end things will turn out just fine. im here if you need me ok? day or night.
